Milota Havránková (*1945) is considered to be an exceptional phenomenon in Slovak and Czech photography. She entered the art scene in the late 1960s, at a time when experimental staged photography was beginning to assert its position within the wider context of fine art. She experiments, breaks traditions, transforms and innovates her personal style. She exploits new technologies and possibilities, transcending photography into architecture, painting and fashion design. In 1969, she became the first female graduate of photography at FAMU (The Film and TV School of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague). She began to discover the possibilities of stylization of the photographic image, which, together with the interest in studying the medium, became a stable element of her entire work. She has taught young people for over thirty years, shaping a strong generation of photographers who later became known in Prague as the “Slovak New Wave” and still fundamentally influence the Czech photographic scene. She returned to teaching in the 1990s as head of photography department at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava, as well as at the Film Academy of Performing Arts in Prague and the Academy of Arts in Banská Bystrica. Her creative approach significantly influenced the Slovak art scene, the younger generation in particular.

2024 Bratislava (Slovensko) Galéria mesta Bratislava, Modrá strecha
2020 Prague (Czech Republic), Leica Gallery Prague, Pohled z Okna
2019 Košice (Slovakia), East Slovak Gallery, TORSO/ Laboratory of Eternal Returns
2015 Prague (Czech Republic), Prague City Gallery (GHMP), MILOTA
2009 Bratislava (Slovakia), GALÉRIA FORZET, 07-00
2008 Vienna (Austria), SLOVENSKÝ INŠTITÚT, Being
2007 Martin (Slovakia), TURČIANSKÁ GALÉRIA, Message M.H.
2007 Nitra (Slovakia), NITRIANSKA GALÉRIA, In the Circle M.H.
2005 Bratislava (Slovakia), GALÉRIA NOVA, Dialogue
2005 Prague (Czech Republic), GALLERY ART FACTORY, Green House 2
2005 Bratislava (Slovakia), GALÉRIA MESTA BRATISLAVY, Green House
2005 Washington DC (USA), GALLERY 10, Milota Havránková
2004 Washington DC (USA), GALLERY OF KOLOMAN SOKOL, Milota
2000 Košice (Slovakia), GALÉRIA NOVA, Milota
2000 Prague (Czech Republic), KOMORNÍ GALERIE DOMU FOTOGRAFIE Jozefa Sudka, Essential Game
2000 Cheb (Czech Republic), GALERIE G4, Milota Havránková – Photography
1997 Bratislava (Slovakia), MONTH OF PHOTOGRAPHY, graphics – silkscreen printing in textiles – photographs
1997 Prague (Czech Republic), VELTRŽNÍ PALÁC, digital photography – photographic design and fashion show
1996 Prague (Czech Republic), GALERIE ŘÁSNOVKA, Milota and Her Guests – photographs and fashion show
1995 Bratislava (Slovakia), HOTEL DANUBE, Light and photographic design – video projection - fashion show and exhibition of photographs
1995 Lublin (Poland), GALERIA TEATRU NN, Milota Havránková – Photography – video projection
1994 Prague Czech Republic), GALÉRIA MLADÁ FRONTA, Inaugurace
1994 Klagenfurt (Austria), ARS TEMPORIS
1992 Kristiansad (Norway), GALLERI 101, Fotodesign – exhibition of textile design
1991 Bratislava (Slovakia), GALÉRIA X STYLE, permanent exhibition and sale of textile design clothes and photographs
1988 Košice (Czechoslovakia), GALÉRIA SFVU, Dielo
1988 Trenčín (Czechoslovakia), GALÉRIA SFVU, Dielo
1988 Bratislava (Czechoslovakia), GALÉRIA SFVU, Dielo
1982 Warszawa (Poland), FOTO GALÉRIA, Monumental Photography
1980 Wroclaw (Poland), WROCLAWSKÁ GALÉRIA FOTO MEDIUM ART, Monumental Photography
1978 Bratislava (Czechoslovakia), GALÉRIA CYPRIÁNA MAJERNÍKA, Milota Havránková
1977 Nové Zámky (Czechoslovakia), MESTSKÁ GALÉRIA, Milota Havránková
1975 Martin (Czechoslovakia), NATIONAL THEATRE, Woman in Slovak Literature
1974 Vysoké mýto (Czechoslovakia), GALÉRIA NEMOCNICE, Milota Marková
1973 Bratislava (Czechoslovakia), KOMORNÁ GALÉRIA, Profile of Marko‘s composition
1970 Krakow (Poland), FOTO GALERIE, Milota Marková
1969 Tübingen (Germany), STUDENTENGALERIE, Milota Marková
2022 State Honour Pribina Cross I. Class from the President of Slovak Republic for extraordinary contribution to the country’s cultural development
2016 Tatra Banka Foundation Award – main award in category Visual Art
2014 Personality of the Year Award, SDEF Professional Photographer’s Awards
2014 National Award for Humanities, Education and Culture in photography
2011 IDENTIFICATION CODE Award for art in photography
2010 TV Galéria elity ná, Milota Havránková
2008 Crystal Wings Award for Visual Arts
1997 International Fashion Fair, STYL 97, Brno, special prize of Eva magazine
1995 Photographic Publication of the Year, Czech Photo, Prague. Catalogue MILOTA 1974 – 94
1992 International Biennial of Arts and Crafts, Bratislava, Subconscious Interplays – Honorary Mention